
Hindu Text Excerpts

1. From Reddit (Casteism)

Here are some of the very objectionable stuff I just found:

Prasna 1, Patala 1, Khanda 1

  1. (There are) four castes--Brฤhmaแน‡as, Kแนฃatriyas, Vaiล›yas, and ลšลซdras.

For those who will retort "That is not caste, it is varna!". Look at the following:

  1. Amongst these, each preceding (caste) is superior by birth to the one following
  2. To serve the other (three) castes (is ordained) for the ลšลซdra
  3. The higher the caste (which he serves) the greater is the merit.

Yup, caste is a Portuguese word. But it is an anthropological classification which is very appropriate given the kind of statements above.

  1. He, whose father and grandfather have not been initiated, (and his two ancestors) are called 'slayers of the Brahman.
  2. Intercourse, eating, and intermarriage with them should be avoided

Prasna 1, Patala 1, Khanda 2

  1. But those whose great-grandfather's (grandfather's and father's) initiation is not remembered, are called 'burial-grounds.'
  2. Intercourse, dining, and intermarriage with them should be avoided. For them, if they like, the (following) penance (is prescribed). (Such a man) shall keep for twelve years the rules prescribed for a student who is studying the three Vedas. Afterwards he may be initiated. Then he shall bathe, reciting the Pฤvamฤnฤซs and the other (texts mentioned above, I, 1, 2, 2).

This kind of tribal behaviour of excommunication is shameful, that also for such minor offenses. The sages who wrote these should be ashamed of themselves.

Prasna 1, Patala 9, Khanda 25 (just randomly chose this section to sample)

  1. He who has had connection with a Guru's wife shall cut off his organ together with the testicles, take them into his joined hands and walk towards the south without stopping, until he falls down dead

Adultery should be punished. But like this? My god, and people say "Let us go back to the Vedas!". Nah, I am fine, if this kind of barbarianism is 'going back to the Vedas', most of humanity is OK without it. My goodness, you guys are putting Sharia to shame.

  1. Or he may die embracing a heated metal image of a woman
  2. A drinker of spirituous liquor shall drink exceedingly hot liquor so that he dies

Drinking is horrible, people who drink should be discouraged, but ffs, what is this? If someone say "no no, this is metaphorical", to them I want to say "GET BETTER METAPHORS!". What kind of sadomasochism is this?

Here is the link from where I am quoting: https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/apastamba-dharma-sutra

Feel free to give your alternative translations if you think the above are 'European propaganda'.

To think that all this time, I was thinking of 'going back to ancient times'...my goodness, hell no.

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